NZ flag alternative


New Zealand flag alternative

NZKiwiana card

This is the home page of Roger Charles Willson (known as Chef Willi), an international, a world traveller, a wanderer and who does not have a home in the accepted sense of the term, but can list a number of countries as to where I could one day go and settle down in. A bit unnerving sometimes but at others, I know that the world is getting truly global and ever smaller! I was in Chennai for quite a few years, getting on with life with Marg and then after she passed on, but the country was becoming very unfriendly to us “foreigners” so now I am in Malaysia. There are many country travels waiting to be uploaded on this site, and many more waiting in the “photos to do” folder that one day will see the light of day as chapters under the travel pages. The time is now being placed into the first few pages concerning family and to bring the delights of New Zealand to you, so I hope that you enjoy them and you are always welcome to drop me a line and say hello about your travels. New Zealand is my first country, so it always has priority in the pages I bring to you, but also there is Marg, my late wife, Marika my wife now and also for our pets, including my love and joys we have with us in Malaysia, Twiggy and Brando. Not mentioned much, but very proud of, are my sisters Judith and Debs, and also my brother Trev. Our relationships have got a lot better over the years and always Debs has been my biggest supporter! Our mother Barbara has now passed on as has our father Frank, but their pages are here also for viewing and checking up on!

About this site, it is a personal web site but not private, created for a bit of fun, and to give me a hobby that can be worked on late at night and in my spare time. As Marg and I, and now Marika and I, do not have children it is also my legacy, the means that my extended family can see my life and travels logs long after I have departed from this world. It is also to keep in touch with our many friends and acquaintances that we have met over the years both here in our overseas postings! I hope that you enjoy browsing through these pages, getting to know a little bit about me, Marg and Marika and our life together and our families. It is a photographic site, with travel pages from India, Chennai where I spent many years, my country New Zealand and my second country Australia, plus the places we have visited or lived in over the years. On the travels there was South Africa in November a few years ago, New Zealand from a few trips taken, Vietnam on a previous trip and then recently, China a couple of times, Singapore and Hong Kong as ancient history right from 1988 times, plus a few side trips into America and South America. Others like Italy, Israel, Egypt, Hungary and Turkey from other travels are still waiting to load up. Keep checking in and I shall keep you updated on the latest as we have been to more than what is shown. I am in the process of getting thousands of photographs digitized and sorted, so the photos will be greatly expanded on these pages as time allows.

In the meantime, there is also to visit, which is the site I have on my cooking career plus life as a Chef and my Chef activities, which includes my diving, marathons, adventures and all from the times I was travelling with my cooking!

Feel free to drop me a line at any time to say hello, the contacts numbers and emails are on the contact page – in the meantime – happy browsing and welcome to the site!

The Families Pages

These are the pages for the Willson & Hastings clans, past and present!

New Zealand

This would be for all my home country, never forgotten!

Sydney Opera house full on


So many places in Australia to visit and here are some that I have managed to get to!

Petronas Twin Towers


Now my new home and these pages will be updated soon!

Taj Mahal 7

India in General

Click here for all the sights on my travels around India

Chennai Living

This link is for Chennai, my location for 21 years

Asia Travels

These pages are on my travels around Asia over the last 40 years!

World Travels

The world and my foot prints over it during the decades!

Just a Thought......... On Top of the World!

World map the right way up!
World map the right way up!

I thought I would help to straighten a misconception up at this time, by placing a true picture of the upside down globe and the state of the world for all to see. What a shock it must have been for the Russians, Chinese and Americans to head into space and realize that the world follows the laws of gravity after all! What else can happen apart from that heavier matter of land, as in Europe, America and central Asia will always fall to the bottom when placed into water! It then stands to logic that the greater and denser land masses in the “other” half of the world is sinking down in our water covered world – while the lighter and smaller places like Australia and New Zealand will always float on top! So, north is actually down under and down under is actually on the top of the world! This is what was observed in space and has surely become one of the biggest campaigns of disinformation to date, intended to stop the Aussies and Kiwis from taking their rightful place on top! Let us not be under any disillusions any longer! We are the tops!

W.A.W (World According to Willi)

Flowers are actually very religious, they worship the sun or they worship the moon, but both raise their hands/petals to life! Many religions follow the lead of flowers, raising their hands to the heavens or the sun above, from the ancients to the present day but all of us no matter what religion or belief should be more like the flowers! Give beauty to the world, go about it quietly and worship in your own way and have a purpose to sustain life! Life gives, life takes but no matter our petty earthling squabbles and corruptions, life and the flowers will reclaim and go on, even without us!

WAW – It is well known that if you place a handful of dirt in a glass of water, or coffee grinds in hot water, they will sink to the bottom and the water is on top. This is exactly the same as the earth, with the bigger masses at the bottom of the earth and the mass water bodies on top! Opposite to popular thought! So how about NZ, Aust and a few others? Just like a hot coffee with the grinds at the bottom, so the Crema floats on top! We are surely the cream of the world!

WAW – Do you know why most birds have such good singing voices? Because they can fly above the tree tops and see all nature spread out below in its glory! Such joy and worth singing about! That is why the kiwi bird is so quiet, it cannot see the splendour from the forest floor!

WAW – Why do plants always grow up? Maybe not to do with sunlight, maybe showing the way to heaven, and this from a totally non-religious guy!!! Surely nature is a big part of Paradise/Heaven and is actually our Paradise that has already been given to us! You know that when we finally leave earth to enter Paradise, we are only going to be sent back with the instruction “I already gave you Paradise, now go back and fix it up!” Maybe the Hindus have something in their religion after all!

WAW – A Sign of the Times – I used to have hand calluses from the gardening, still have some foot calluses from road running, but definitely getting calluses on my ears from the corona mask straps!

WAW – What is really the world’s oldest profession? Some say that prostitution is, but as a cook I may be one sided, but I do not know of any hungry person who does not prefer to eat before they get into some intimate romp! Cook a good meal and the night is nearly guaranteed, so light that fire, cut up the mammoth and get out the bear rug, a satisfied stomach leads the mind to other matters beyond the fire light!

WAW – Now who is afraid of dying? Certainly it should not be the religious, who have a reward to go to! The Hindus come back but they cannot remember the past, the Buddhist the same on their way to achieving Nirvana, and paradise or not awaits us all! The problem with dying is actually how you die! In bed with loved ones around seems to be the best, but the trouble with the world it does not always work out this way. But dead is dying and moving on and no matter what, we again revert back to a more basic part of the cosmos, and guess what – live again! Reborn as atoms and electrons etc to become part of the stars and the heavens, either enjoying our just reward or not!

WAW – Now what might be heaven or hell. The universe is made of light matter and dark matter, and the dark matter is apparently expanding, which does not surprise me! Just maybe a good and just life lived in whatever culture or religion means your basics are at peace with the cosmos, your atoms align with the heavens and the brightness of the stars and all the glory of the universe! But a life lived in conflict and so called evil creates protons, electrons and neutrons that are part of the dark matter out there, the black holes and the chaos in the universe! One in heaven and one in hell!

WAW – The Handshake! Now, it has been widely reported as a sign of fitness. That a person’s strong handshake shows robustness, and reports show good immunity and ability to fight disease. But in this day of corona and no-more handshakes, I do not know any more if I am  healthy or succumbing!

WAW – I firmly believe in the old joke of the person who goes to the Heavenly gates and is asked what they are there for? The person replies “to enter into Heaven!” The gate keeper then says, we gave you heaven, a place called earth, look what you have done to it, now go back and fix up your mess! Maybe that is our rebirth, come back and make the place and our lives better than how we left it previously!

WAW – You do not believe in paradise on earth? Just look around you and OPEN your eyes. The delicate flower that is just opening, the top of the mountain view, the sunrise or sunset on the beach, the many different shades of green in the bush, the song of the birds, the power of the animals, the hidden gems all around our planet! So much paradise if only we look!

WAW – It must be said! With the Gaza conflict, Israel says to the Gaza people, look, behave yourselves and become good citizens and we shall treat you just the same as the West Bank! Right, steal your land, rob you of your houses, shoot you, restrict you, cut you off from your heritage! Sure sounds a tempting offer to me!

WAW – When did it become acceptable to target a few militants and in the process, leave 50, 60 or 90 innocents dead, as an acceptable means of conducting a war? Let’s face it through, Israel is not the first to do this, and all around the world it seems hospitals, schools, apartments, houses and department stores are all acceptable targets now, instead of good old-fashioned warfare where the soldiers who get paid for it, go in to knock out a tank or kill their enemies!

WAW – Where did respect go to? One country and yet they cannot respect a different minority and it always leads to conflicts. In a nutshell, Sri Lanka, (Sinhalese & Tamil), India (Hindu & Muslim), Ukraine, (Ukrainian and Russian speakers), Israel with the Palestinians, the Kurds in Turkey and Iraq, the different tribal groups in Africa all fighting each other with different pretenses, the island of Ireland (Protestant and Catholic), Australia, NZ, USA and Canada with their past or present treatment of indigenous peoples, and the list goes on! It maybe a very simplified version, but where did any respect for our fellow humans go to!!!

WAW – Are Archaeologists and Surgeons the most colour-blind people in the world? An archaeologist digs up old bones and cannot tell if the bleached bones were once of a black, brown, white, pink or green person when they were alive, and for the surgeon, once he cuts into a person for an operation, the bones are white, the blood is red, the fats are grey and the brain is pink, all the same colours for all of us!

on Smoking.....

Isn’t it a shame that cigarettes are so damn addictive, as I enjoy smoking and they also bring back some great memories as well! The other thing about cigarettes is that they are meant to take 10 years off your life – problem is they take the last 10 years off and nobody really needs them anyway, – probably the years between 90 and 100 years old – it would be a different story if cigarettes took the twenties from you, or the time that you would have been in your thirties! Philosophy according to Willi!

and Some Other Sayings.....

There is no rest for the wicked…
– True, but it must have been because of a past life because I am a proper little angel in this one!
Home is where the heart is…
– In my line of work, home is where the pillow is!
How can you tell that you go to sleep?
– By waking up!
Life was not meant to be easy…
– But it was not meant to be this hard either!
You cannot have it both ways…
– You can if you try hard enough and don’t get caught out!
We all make mistakes…
– Yeah, right, but some of us just don’t make as many mistakes as you do!
I knew there was a reason for not becoming a Buddhist or a Hindu….
– Who the hell wants to come back reincarnated and go through all this again!
A question asked once – Have I always been a Chef?
– No… I was a kid at some stage and a baby before that!
Also asked what my first name was when working as a Chef?
– I replied that it was “Executive”!
I have a great Doctor here in Malaysia!
– His name is Dr Nore, quite unusual, but with a first name of Ig, you can imagine the advice you get!
Then I had – How long have I been in India?
– It feels like forever…. and on some occasions, it really feels like one day too many!
I am asked why I do not go back to live in the great countries of New Zealand or Australia? Why keep living in Asia?
– Well, first thing is I can always go to both, mainly to visit, but secondly, I do not know if any space is there for me anymore. I loved India, but it seems Indian citizens like New Zealand more!